writer, lawyer, presenter

Sign of Hope!

25 Years 25 Stories
With stories by Marc Barylo, Laura Kugler, and Sandra Konrad
Catholic Charities

The current CEO of Catholic Charities invited me to write a book chronicling the origins and history of the Sign of Hope Campaign to mark its 25th anniversary. Having served for several years on the Catholic Charities Board, and helped fundraise for the Campaign for umpteen years, I felt qualified to take on this challenge.

What I discovered, though, is that I had a lot to learn. I’d become conversant with the breadth of Catholic Social Services, but I had yet to experience its depth. It was the emotional and spiritual depth of the agency, and the profound courage, cheerful strength and sheer hope of all those who work and learn through its social service programs, that impressed me most. I witnessed firsthand how these programs – and the Sign of Hope dollars that fund them – touch lives.