“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain
Jeananne Kathol Kirwin is a Canadian writer. She received an Honours English degree from Yale University. She has published an award-winning book, contributed to poetry and other anthologies, written for numerous publications, and co-edited a collection of 114 stories by women lawyers. She has received two book commissions and also pens a copyright law column for WestWord magazine. She was once short-listed for the CBC Literary Awards. She is a member of the Writers’ Guild of Alberta, the Canadian Authors Association, and the Writers’ Union of Canada.
Ms. Kirwin is also a lawyer. She received a Juris Doctor degree from University of Toronto. Called to the Alberta bar in 1985, she received a Queen’s Counsel designation in 2016. She has authored numerous articles on copyright law, presented on that subject to a variety of audiences, and remains a steady advocate for writers. She has edited an intellectual property journal and acted as principal to three articling students. She volunteers relentlessly and received a philanthropy award in 2020.
Jeananne lives in Edmonton, Alberta with Patrick, her husband of 35+ years. Their proudest achievement is having raised four kind and happy children. With them and the family dog, they took a one-year sailing sabbatical in 2000-2001. From Amiskwaciy Waskahikan, Jeananne writes, works, runs, volunteers, and does yoga.
Contact: jkirwin [at] kirwinllp.com

Our Neighbour's Keeper
The current CEO of Catholic Social Services invited Graham Hicks and me to research and co-write a biography about its founder, Monsignor William Irwin, O.C., to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the social service agency’s official opening.
Truth Be Told
Envisioned to inspire young women, this anthology contains 114 stories by women lawyers and others connected to the legal profession, who work “within one of society’s biggest tents: the law.” I co-edited this book and contributed a story.

Sign of Hope
Writing the Land
Collected in celebration of the theme chosen for the Writers’ Guild of Alberta conference in 2007, these poems explore the keen interest writers have in praising and preserving this land, currently called Alberta. One of my poems is published here.

Outside of Ordinary
Thirty-two female writers from across Canada and the United States contributed transformative stories to this collection of women’s travel writing. I contributed a travel story.
Greetings from Cool Breezes

- Chief Editor, Canadian Intellectual Property Journal, 2011-2015, Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
- Frequent contributor and current columnist, WestWord magazine, Writers’ Guild of Alberta
- Contributor, Write magazine, the Writers’ Union of Canada
- Contributor, IPIC Bulletin, Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
- Author, “Trademarks Update,” Legal Education Society of Alberta course materials
- Contributor, The Billboard, Catholic Charities/Catholic Social Services newsletter
- Frequent contributor, FeisAmerica magazine, devoted to Irish dancing and culture
- Author, “Little Black Bikini”, Pacific Yachting magazine
- Author, “A Year’s Perspective”, Canadian Bar Association Newsletter
- Frequent contributor, Living Aboard magazine